@RusA #9856770 i never saw that Dr.Who. the popular British tv show in here is Mr.Bean, and he almost never speak
Mr. Bean was never all that popular here in the U.S., but the actor that played the role is known here for his roles in Blackadder. Doctor Who has been popular here since the 1980s, and Monty Python has been around even longer. Benny Hill had a pretty good run for a while, but isn't so well-known these days. Americans tend to think of British TV as the upscale soap operas that our public TV network shows on their Masterpiece Theater series, like Downton Abbey.
When i saw "Wortel" ID for the first time, i though she was Indonesian, coz in Indonesian "Wortel" is carrot, and when she replied that it also in Dutch, i was forgot that a lot of our words are from Dutch
Wortel is another one who I miss around here. She's still active on Discord under a different name, but I don't spend much time over there.
We have a fair number of loan words from Indonesian, actually: bantam (a kind of chicken), cockatoo, pangolin, bamboo, kapok, papaya, sambal, batik, sarong, tempeh, and the name of the famous WW2 spy Mata Hari. One of the things that most characterizes American cuisine in the minds of a lot of the world is that we put ketchup on everything. But "ketchup" or "catsup" comes from the Malay name for fish sauce (I think), kĕchap. There's also the word "cootie", which originally meant a head-louse, but now is a humorous word for imaginary germs or contaminants that you get from, or pass on to, other people by touching them. We have a common joke that little boys avoid little girls because "girls have cooties"; and little boys become big boys when they realize that girls aren't yukkie and they don't have cooties.
@RusA #9856770
i never saw that Dr.Who. the popular British tv show in here is Mr.Bean, and he almost never speak
Mr. Bean was never all that popular here in the U.S., but the actor that played the role is known here for his roles in Blackadder. Doctor Who has been popular here since the 1980s, and Monty Python has been around even longer. Benny Hill had a pretty good run for a while, but isn't so well-known these days. Americans tend to think of British TV as the upscale soap operas that our public TV network shows on their Masterpiece Theater series, like Downton Abbey.
When i saw "Wortel" ID for the first time, i though she was Indonesian, coz in Indonesian "Wortel" is carrot, and when she replied that it also in Dutch, i was forgot that a lot of our words are from Dutch
Wortel is another one who I miss around here. She's still active on Discord under a different name, but I don't spend much time over there.
We have a fair number of loan words from Indonesian, actually: bantam (a kind of chicken), cockatoo, pangolin, bamboo, kapok, papaya, sambal, batik, sarong, tempeh, and the name of the famous WW2 spy Mata Hari.