@RusA #9856877 WHAT? $ 3.000 for that Trump the Buddhist all i know that he left the white house not in peacfull at all
Trump has been pretty quiet lately, so maybe he's been spent the last four months meditating, and found... well, I'm not sure how it's expressed in Buddhism, but Christians would call it repentance (realizing what a mess you've made of things, and deciding to change your ways for the better) and amendment of life (resolving to do things right from now on). Who knows? Once he comes out of seclusion, he might start talking about how well he's following the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, nobody follows them like he does, he's the most noble and truthful path-following person in history - well, there was that Buddha guy, but we don't really know much about him, do we? He's laid down his ego, and he's the best ever at ego-laying-down - he's the most humble of all the really great enlightened beings.
But Eisenhower refuse to meet Truman, but in that movie didn't explain why...so, when Trump left the white house without welcomming Biden. It wasn't the first time that rude thing happened.
Eisenhower and Truman got along fine until Eisenhower began his campaign for the presidency in 1952 as a Republican. By then, Eisenhower had begun to regard Truman as an inept, undignified leader who had surrounded himself with crooks and cronies. Truman, in turn, was furious with Eisenhower's claim that there was a "mess" in Washington. He was incensed that Eisenhower would undermine his efforts to end the Korean War by promising to go there himself. And he certainly was not pleased with the candidate's criticism of his foreign policy, particularly since Eisenhower appeared to be in total accord with it before the campaign. When it came time for their traditional ride together as president and president-elect to Eisenhower's inauguration ceremonies, the chill in their relationship was clearly evident. Eisenhower even refused Truman's invitation to join him for coffee in the White House.
@RusA #9856877
WHAT? $ 3.000 for that Trump the Buddhist
Trump has been pretty quiet lately, so maybe he's been spent the last four months meditating, and found... well, I'm not sure how it's expressed in Buddhism, but Christians would call it repentance (realizing what a mess you've made of things, and deciding to change your ways for the better) and amendment of life (resolving to do things right from now on). Who knows? Once he comes out of seclusion, he might start talking about how well he's following the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path, nobody follows them like he does, he's the most noble and truthful path-following person in history - well, there was that Buddha guy, but we don't really know much about him, do we? He's laid down his ego, and he's the best ever at ego-laying-down - he's the most humble of all the really great enlightened beings.
But Eisenhower refuse to meet Truman, but in that movie didn't explain why...so, when Trump left the white house without welcomming Biden. It wasn't the first time that rude thing happened.
Thanks, I didn't know that thing about Eisenhower and Truman. I found a summary of it on the National Parks Service website, where it talks about some of the people Eisenhower didn't get along with:
Eisenhower and Truman got along fine until Eisenhower began his campaign for the presidency in 1952 as a Republican. By then, Eisenhower had begun to regard Truman as an inept, undignified leader who had surrounded himself with crooks and cronies. Truman, in turn, was furious with Eisenhower's claim that there was a "mess" in Washington. He was incensed that Eisenhower would undermine his efforts to end the Korean War by promising to go there himself. And he certainly was not pleased with the candidate's criticism of his foreign policy, particularly since Eisenhower appeared to be in total accord with it before the campaign. When it came time for their traditional ride together as president and president-elect to Eisenhower's inauguration ceremonies, the chill in their relationship was clearly evident. Eisenhower even refused Truman's invitation to join him for coffee in the White House.