@uktana WHAT? U have an April fool as a holiday? I read that Sweden has a waffel day as a holiday
And Diwali for Indian from India, and how about the Indian native American, are the get any holiday? I mean they still USA citizen,right? Not an immigrant?
Honestly i don't really like the western news about my country, like this news https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pD58Dj648gM WHAT? indonesia is a zero tolerance? We don't just celebrate the white Christian holiday like Christmas, easter(paskah) as our national holiday here, why can they tell that Indonesia has a zero not even 10℅ tolerance i mean like...if they even look at them selves in the mirror. I bet they only have just white Christian holiday. And when they come in here, they even treat our local like we were still in the year before 1945. I mean we got our independence by blood, the Dutch never gave us that easy. Even the Netherland's king made his apologize statement to us, coz it was really bad.
But like what they said, always look at the bright side, at least our country not the target of the war immigrants
Today, even the Australia learn Indonesia language for their student in their school, but for me like when i travel abroad Indonesian is my secret language, so i can speak in front of that person the thing that they don't want to hear, but now that Australian can understand us, nothing fun anymore :
I mean like... Why don't they study their native Aborigin language? They probably can find out what the real "Kangoroo" names, i read that "Kangoroo means " I don't know in Aborigin's languange, so... If they more learn the native languange isn't that today we already know the real of that hopping animal names
@uktana WHAT? U have an April fool as a holiday? I read that Sweden has a waffel day as a holiday
And Diwali for Indian from India, and how about the Indian native American, are the get any holiday? I mean they still USA citizen,right? Not an immigrant?
Honestly i don't really like the western news about my country, like this news https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pD58Dj648gM WHAT? indonesia is a zero tolerance? We don't just celebrate the white Christian holiday like Christmas, easter(paskah) as our national holiday here, why can they tell that Indonesia has a zero not even 10℅ tolerance
But like what they said, always look at the bright side, at least our country not the target of the war immigrants
Today, even the Australia learn Indonesia language for their student in their school, but for me like when i travel abroad Indonesian is my secret language, so i can speak in front of that person the thing that they don't want to hear, but now that Australian can understand us, nothing fun anymore :
I mean like... Why don't they study their native Aborigin language? They probably can find out what the real "Kangoroo" names, i read that "Kangoroo means " I don't know in Aborigin's languange, so... If they more learn the native languange isn't that today we already know the real of that hopping animal names