Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9857113:


Trans Fear 5 5, 6:17am

@uktana Yeah...we also prank someone on April fool's day, but not a holiday in here. :D
Yeah... I mean why even that media made that news like that, Indonesia even not the biggest immigrant in their country, we even have a Buddhist holiday, and Hindu holiday, when i went to Mt.Bromo in East Java with my friends, that place is a Hindu place and no Mosque in that place, 4 of my friends are muslim men and it was Friday, they just didn't do the Friday prayer without grumpy, nothing with zero tolerance at all. Maybe they just want to make the muslims as their next target for they neo NAZI concentrasion camp, and not enough with the muslim in middle east. No wonder that they think that Indonesian don't eat pork even we export our pork to Singapore, and never drink any alcohol. If someone ask me that question again maybe i'm just say that so true, so.. I don't wast my energy for deny it, whatever they say, i don't really care anymore :angry: