Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9857200:

WW2 Poll 7 5, 5:14am

@AjarTadpole7202 The USA and UK gave a huge amount of material support to the USSR, which allowed the Soviets to fight better against the Germans. The UK also gave intel to the USSR, but Stalin was pretty famous for ignoring it. But that actually does bring me to one of the UK's great accomplishments: cracking the German codes. Germany suffered terrible losses due to the British being able to decode the Enigma messages.

Germany would have loved to invade the UK, but they didn't really believe in their chances all that well. The first condition was total air superiority, which they didn't manage to achieve, partially due to their own errors but even more due to the quality of the British fighters, pilots, and the ground crew supporting them. The radar tech naturally helped a lot, the Brits being pioneers. Germany lost far too many planes in the air battles over Britain, for very little benefit. All of those planes and pilots were away from other operations. Consequently during Operation Barbarossa, there were times and areas when the Soviets were flying alone in the skies, free to harass the Germans on the ground, because the Germans troops were sporadically lacking air support entirely.

The time of battleships was already over. Bismarck, as nice a ship as she was, was just a show of power and status. The u-boats were the real German navy during the war, and they were doing quite well, in fact, causing horrifying losses to the Allies. That was their sole purpose, to crush the UK economically by cutting it off from the rest of the world. However, like the German military in general, they couldn't keep up with the competition.

Objectively the USSR did most of the work, but I might have still voted the USA just to piss off Putin's trolls.