Must be aliens to blame or something for the Masalembo Triangle, and not mermaids. The ETs or Atlanteans or whoever must have moved that giant crystal pyramid in the Atlantic Ocean over to Southeast Asia - some of the articles I found pointed out that there haven't been any mysterious crashes or disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle for a good long time, but just look at what's going on in Indonesia! They suggested that whatever force used to be active in the Atlantic has now moved, and that would explain what's going on in your part of the world. (The idea of the crystal pyramids being moved is my own addition to the pile of nonsense accumulated information. )
@RusA #9857203
Must be aliens to blame or something for the Masalembo Triangle, and not mermaids.
pile of nonsenseaccumulated information.Either that, or you folks are going to have to try to rustle up a whole lot more virgins to sacrifice to the sea gods.