@uktana #9857470 oh.... Like i wrote before that that instant
noodle is a poisonus food, many Indonesian also blame their deases to instant noodle, specially when someone live outside Indonesia then their family will send them the box of that Indomie, so...they can save their money for meals. Many healthy foods freak won't even dare to touch that instant noodle, but for me it's about how u eat in right way and right amount, like i won't eat instant noodle more than 1x a day, and i always mixed it with many vegetables that i like, not just eat it with eggs, i used to mixed it with rice too and it tastes like heaven to me, but since i don't have many activity like when i was teenager, so if today i eat that instant noodle then i won't eat any rice anymore even a healthiest food can be so poisonus if u over eat it:m
Yeah... I once read that even the Chinese food in south east Asia countries are different from , the Chinese foods in China. She also surprise that Chinese food in China is so oily and not what she expected. Yeah.... Many restaurant owner have to calculate their profit too, if they must to import many things from outside the country, the foods will become so expensive, and many peoples in other countřy have different tastes, so... They will see what the peoples in their neghborhood love than the original country. I never want to try any Indonesian foods outside Indonesia, i was just travel not more that 10 days.
And if i want to eat any Indonesian foods, i always order that on the planes when back home, the stewardes already Indonesian peoples. Maybe if i live more than a month outside my country that i really miss my foods, then i will try the Indonesian foods in other country
Oh...and many Mexican foods in other country like in here also have American version, not the Mexico version. There's also an Indonesian, when she get the scholarship in Germany, she was imagine that the western fried food are delicious , but she said that the fried food in Germany not as yummy as she expected, but then when she move to New Jersey in USA, she found that the western fried food that she was imagine are the American version, it's not that healthy like in Gemany, but so yummy. I mean like every person tongue are different too, sometimes the restaurant is so popular and always full, but i don't like the foods in that restaurant. Or mostly my male friends here, they always said that for them, there are only two types of food, first is delicious and the other is very delicious, it means that they never grumpy about foods, no bad foods for them, and they don't like to waste any foods on their plate, they will eat them all.
BTW.. How about the Indian native American foods, are they the same as Mexican foods?
@uktana #9857470 oh.... Like i wrote before that that instant
noodle is a poisonus food, many Indonesian also blame their deases to instant noodle, specially when someone live outside Indonesia then their family will send them the box of that Indomie, so...they can save their money for meals. Many healthy foods freak won't even dare to touch that instant noodle, but for me it's about how u eat in right way and right amount, like i won't eat instant noodle more than 1x a day, and i always mixed it with many vegetables that i like, not just eat it with eggs, i used to mixed it with rice too and it tastes like heaven to me, but since i don't have many activity like when i was teenager, so if today i eat that instant noodle then i won't eat any rice anymore
Yeah... I once read that even the Chinese food in south east Asia countries are different from , the Chinese foods in China. She also surprise that Chinese food in China is so oily and not what she expected. Yeah.... Many restaurant owner have to calculate their profit too, if they must to import many things from outside the country, the foods will become so expensive, and many peoples in other countřy have different tastes, so... They will see what the peoples in their neghborhood love than the original country. I never want to try any Indonesian foods outside Indonesia, i was just travel not more that 10 days.
And if i want to eat any Indonesian foods, i always order that on the planes when back home, the stewardes already Indonesian peoples. Maybe if i live more than a month outside my country that i really miss my foods, then i will try the Indonesian foods in other country
Oh...and many Mexican foods in other country like in here also have American version, not the Mexico version. There's also an Indonesian, when she get the scholarship in Germany, she was imagine that the western fried food are delicious , but she said that the fried food in Germany not as yummy as she expected, but then when she move to New Jersey in USA, she found that the western fried food that she was imagine are the American version, it's not that healthy like in Gemany, but so yummy. I mean like every person tongue are different too, sometimes the restaurant is so popular and always full, but i don't like the foods in that restaurant. Or mostly my male friends here, they always said that for them, there are only two types of food, first is delicious and the other is very delicious, it means that they never grumpy about foods, no bad foods for them, and they don't like to waste any foods on their plate, they will eat them all.
BTW.. How about the Indian native American foods, are they the same as Mexican foods?