@RusA #9858388 That reminds me of a humor writer named A. J. Jacobs, a secular Jewish fellow who wrote a book called The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Quest To Follow the Bible As Literally As Possible. Being Jewish, for him this means mostly the Old Testament with its bazillion rules and regulations. As Jacobs discovered, nobody can really follow them all literally - even the most Orthodox of Jews pick out 613 commandments that they consider important. Even Jacobs had to make some adjustments - for instance since you're not allowed to actually stone adulterers. He got around this by asking a guy if he'd ever cheated on his wife; and when the man said yes he had, Jacobs threw some gravel at him. He also spoke to many groups, both Jewish and Christian, who claim to be "following the Bible", but are all doing it differently.
I read this one when it first came out, and it might be time to look it up again. I already knew who Jacobs was - he was one of my heroes because he sat down and read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, then wrote a book called The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World . I used to amuse myself when I was a kid by picking out a volume of Britannica and just thumbing through it, reading whatever caught my interest. I never tried to read the whole set, but I certainly respect anyone who has.
@RusA #9858388 That reminds me of a humor writer named A. J. Jacobs, a secular Jewish fellow who wrote a book called The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Quest To Follow the Bible As Literally As Possible. Being Jewish, for him this means mostly the Old Testament with its bazillion rules and regulations. As Jacobs discovered, nobody can really follow them all literally - even the most Orthodox of Jews pick out 613 commandments that they consider important. Even Jacobs had to make some adjustments - for instance since you're not allowed to actually stone adulterers. He got around this by asking a guy if he'd ever cheated on his wife; and when the man said yes he had, Jacobs threw some gravel at him.
I read this one when it first came out, and it might be time to look it up again. I already knew who Jacobs was - he was one of my heroes because he sat down and read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, then wrote a book called The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World . I used to amuse myself when I was a kid by picking out a volume of Britannica and just thumbing through it, reading whatever caught my interest. I never tried to read the whole set, but I certainly respect anyone who has.