@RusA #9858386 I feel so lucky that our neighboor countries never make a big deal about original things, even we have some problems with the original thing like "rendang" with Malaysia, but we never bomb or shot each other like them
Same here in the U.S. - we get along just fine with our nearest neighbors, though we don't always agree with each other - even Cuba isn't a threat to us anymore - and we've got big oceans in between us and anyone who wants to attack us. The biggest conflict we have is with Mexico over issues of language, immigration, and which one of us has the best tacos, but we haven't been in a shooting war with them since 1848. We did have that nasty business in Cuba in 1898, but that was Spain's fault and not Cuba's.
I remember when i went to that Sleeping Buddha temple, one of my friend said something like "have u notice that Indian hindu also pray to Buddha, and when in Hindu temples in Bali, the Buddhis monks also pray to the hindus gods. They just respect each other gods without any big deal about it, or compare each other gods, who is better than the other."
It's easier for them, because Hindu has so many gods, it's easy for them to see the Buddha as just another one of them, and Buddhism as another variation of the natural religion of mankind. Buddhism, on the other hand, grew out of Hinduism and has much in common with it, including, in some versions, big chorus-lines of gods, though of course their ideas about them are different. Christianity has something of the same relationship to Judaism, being like the mother and her independent child who don't always get along with each other. In spite of centuries of problems, it's generally easier for Christians and Jews to cooperate than it is for either of them to cooperate with other religious groups.
@RusA #9858386
I feel so lucky that our neighboor countries never make a big deal about original things, even we have some problems with the original thing like "rendang" with Malaysia, but we never bomb or shot each other like them
Same here in the U.S. - we get along just fine with our nearest neighbors, though we don't always agree with each other - even Cuba isn't a threat to us anymore - and we've got big oceans in between us and anyone who wants to attack us. The biggest conflict we have is with Mexico over issues of language, immigration, and which one of us has the best tacos, but we haven't been in a shooting war with them since 1848. We did have that nasty business in Cuba in 1898, but that was Spain's fault and not Cuba's.
I remember when i went to that Sleeping Buddha temple, one of my friend said something like "have u notice that Indian hindu also pray to Buddha, and when in Hindu temples in Bali, the Buddhis monks also pray to the hindus gods. They just respect each other gods without any big deal about it, or compare each other gods, who is better than the other."
It's easier for them, because Hindu has so many gods, it's easy for them to see the Buddha as just another one of them, and Buddhism as another variation of the natural religion of mankind.