Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9858412:


Trans Fear 24 5, 10:03am

@uktana  #9858402 ow...i didn't know several books about that publish in year 2007, thanx for the info :D
My cousin also told me about her story, my uncle is a muslim and my aunt is catholic, my mom said that it was legal in the 80s to married with different religions here, they're not converted to one or other, today in here we must married with one religion. cousin said that when she still kid, her parents raise her with the both muslim and catholic, like she did the fasting and prayer in ramadhan, and also went to Sunday church :XD:
No wonder, she also told me to pray at the Shinto temple, but i didn't know who was the god in that temple.
She doesn't know that praying to many gods also means that she is an atheis :XD: