Several women have said that Biden touched them in an uncomfortable way, like touching their hair or their shoulders or arms and calling them "Sweetie", or kissed the back of their neck, that sort of thing. Definitely inappropriate and these days mostly illegal as sexual harassment, but not really sexual assault. And frankly, guys as old as Trump, Biden, and Cuomo pretty much expect that they can take such liberties, because they're paying the woman a compliment. OK, Boomers!
One woman who worked for him says he touched her like that, but it wasn't sexual or threatening, and that she quit because he felt like he treated her like an ornament instead of a person (like wanting her to serve drinks at an event because he thought she had nice legs). Then seven years later, during the campaign, she suddenly got her face on TV claiming that Biden really groped her in a really reprehensible way, which she'd never said a word about to anyone before, and which came as news to everyone who knew her at the time. It's almost certain that she's fibbing - when people who knew her called her out on changing her story, she quietly disappeared. Who knows what really happened? but if the woman doesn't call the police or file a lawsuit, and there's no investigation, it turns into "she said" against "he said". Well, she said against he said and she said and she said and she said and she said it didn't happen.
As for Cuomo, I wouldn't put anything past that little speck of lint, but we'll see if anything comes out of it. His defense seems to be that he's an Italian-American guy, and that's the way they treat their women. Even the Democrats aren't letting him get away with that one!
@RusA #9858681
Several women have said that Biden touched them in an uncomfortable way, like touching their hair or their shoulders or arms and calling them "Sweetie", or kissed the back of their neck, that sort of thing. Definitely inappropriate and these days mostly illegal as sexual harassment, but not really sexual assault. And frankly, guys as old as Trump, Biden, and Cuomo pretty much expect that they can take such liberties, because they're paying the woman a compliment. OK, Boomers!
One woman who worked for him says he touched her like that, but it wasn't sexual or threatening, and that she quit because he felt like he treated her like an ornament instead of a person (like wanting her to serve drinks at an event because he thought she had nice legs). Then seven years later, during the campaign, she suddenly got her face on TV claiming that Biden really groped her in a really reprehensible way, which she'd never said a word about to anyone before, and which came as news to everyone who knew her at the time. It's almost certain that she's fibbing - when people who knew her called her out on changing her story, she quietly disappeared. Who knows what really happened? but if the woman doesn't call the police or file a lawsuit, and there's no investigation, it turns into "she said" against "he said". Well, she said against he said and she said and she said and she said and she said it didn't happen.
As for Cuomo, I wouldn't put anything past that little speck of lint, but we'll see if anything comes out of it. His defense seems to be that he's an Italian-American guy, and that's the way they treat their women.