@RusA #9858748 Wasn't that many American think Obama is a muslim, since his middle name is "Hussein"
Yes, that rumor actually was started by Hillary Clinton's campaign when she was running against Obama in 2006, then got picked up by the likes of Donald Trump, and went like wildfire from there. A lot of Americans didn't want a black president, but they didn't want to sound racist, so they picked up on this as a way of hating on Obama without bringing up his race. Their logic was that since his father was a Muslim, then he must be, too, especially with a name like "Hussein" (though he was named after his father, the way many people are, including me). As I understand it, his father was nominally Muslim, but didn't really practice the religion. Also they say Obama went to a "madrasah", or a school that teaches Islam, in Indonesia. You may know how this works in your country better than I do, but what I know about it is that Obama's mother had him in a Catholic school when they lived in Indonesia, but when she couldn't afford the fees, she put him in the public school, where - surprise! - most of the students were Muslim. You could just as easily argue that Obama is "really" a Catholic, since he went to a Catholic school. Obama doesn't seem to belong to any particular denomination, but he publicly professes Christianity and usually goes to United Church of Christ churches. I'm not even sure that it's possible to be "secretly" Muslim, as Obama is claimed to be, since so much of the religion consists of doing things in public that would give you away. Obama has never been seen doing salat, plus he eats ham sandwiches, with both hands and drinks beer.
BTW... Wasn't that Al-qaidah or Osama Bin Laden group was trained by the USA army in Pres.Reagan era to kick out the Russian in Afghanistan? (There are pic on the internet when Pres. Reagan met Osama bin laden look so happy), And then they became the boomerang for the USA, i don't know what made them did the 9/11, maybe something they didn't like with their agreement with USA. And when George W. Bush killed Sadam Hussein, they didn't find any chemical weapon that Bush claimed when he first time attacking Iraq.
When the Soviet Union sent troops into Afghanistan, it was seen by the U.S. as an unwarranted act of aggression, and many thought that this was a first step to invading Pakistan and so get the "warm water port" that doesn't freeze up in the winter like their other ports do. So, on the principle that anyone who fights against the Soviets can't be all bad, the U.S. started supporting and training the Mujahideen who were fighting jihad against the Russians, a concept we didn't really understand back then. To be sure, most of their funding came from Muslim groups and charities that supported their fight - not all of it came from us.
Also, Osama bin Laden was not a fighter in Afghanistan, but was an organizer and fundraiser who collected resources for the Mujahideen from around the Arab world. His hatred for the U.S. came later, during the invasion of Iraq, when the Saudi government allowed our troops to organize in their country before the invasion. Osama considered this a horrendous act of sacrilege of what he considered holy land, and began working with others to strike a significant blow to our country.
And someone told me like Princess Diana death, wasn't an accident, but it was on purposse that they want to kill her, coz they didn't want the mother of the King of England become a muslim, since she dating that Doddy Al-fayed.
The sudden death of any popular celebrity will create a rash of conspiracy-murder stories. As far as history is concerned, Diana's death was a tragic accident caused by a reckless attempt to get away from paparazzi. Certainly, the Royal Family didn't like her choice of boyfriends, but there's no way they could have orchestrated the accident. What did they do, get secret agents to pose as paparazzi to chase the car, or pay off the driver to crash into the wall of the tunnel, and make sure that Diana was in position to be killed in the crash and not just injured? Of course, everyone knows it was really space aliens that did it!
@RusA #9858748
Wasn't that many American think Obama is a muslim, since his middle name is "Hussein"
Yes, that rumor actually was started by Hillary Clinton's campaign when she was running against Obama in 2006, then got picked up by the likes of Donald Trump, and went like wildfire from there. A lot of Americans didn't want a black president, but they didn't want to sound racist, so they picked up on this as a way of hating on Obama without bringing up his race. Their logic was that since his father was a Muslim, then he must be, too, especially with a name like "Hussein" (though he was named after his father, the way many people are, including me). As I understand it, his father was nominally Muslim, but didn't really practice the religion. Also they say Obama went to a "madrasah", or a school that teaches Islam, in Indonesia. You may know how this works in your country better than I do, but what I know about it is that Obama's mother had him in a Catholic school when they lived in Indonesia, but when she couldn't afford the fees, she put him in the public school, where - surprise! - most of the students were Muslim.
BTW... Wasn't that Al-qaidah or Osama Bin Laden group was trained by the USA army in Pres.Reagan era to kick out the Russian in Afghanistan? (There are pic on the internet when Pres. Reagan met Osama bin laden look so happy), And then they became the boomerang for the USA, i don't know what made them did the 9/11, maybe something they didn't like with their agreement with USA. And when George W. Bush killed Sadam Hussein, they didn't find any chemical weapon that Bush claimed when he first time attacking Iraq.
When the Soviet Union sent troops into Afghanistan, it was seen by the U.S. as an unwarranted act of aggression, and many thought that this was a first step to invading Pakistan and so get the "warm water port" that doesn't freeze up in the winter like their other ports do. So, on the principle that anyone who fights against the Soviets can't be all bad, the U.S. started supporting and training the Mujahideen who were fighting jihad against the Russians, a concept we didn't really understand back then. To be sure, most of their funding came from Muslim groups and charities that supported their fight - not all of it came from us.
Also, Osama bin Laden was not a fighter in Afghanistan, but was an organizer and fundraiser who collected resources for the Mujahideen from around the Arab world. His hatred for the U.S. came later, during the invasion of Iraq, when the Saudi government allowed our troops to organize in their country before the invasion. Osama considered this a horrendous act of sacrilege of what he considered holy land, and began working with others to strike a significant blow to our country.
And someone told me like Princess Diana death, wasn't an accident, but it was on purposse that they want to kill her, coz they didn't want the mother of the King of England become a muslim, since she dating that Doddy Al-fayed.
The sudden death of any popular celebrity will create a rash of conspiracy-murder stories. As far as history is concerned, Diana's death was a tragic accident caused by a reckless attempt to get away from paparazzi. Certainly, the Royal Family didn't like her choice of boyfriends, but there's no way they could have orchestrated the accident. What did they do, get secret agents to pose as paparazzi to chase the car, or pay off the driver to crash into the wall of the tunnel, and make sure that Diana was in position to be killed in the crash and not just injured? Of course, everyone knows it was really space aliens that did it!