@RusA #9858835 Oh...there was on cable tv about big Asian airports, when in Dubai aiport, the airport staff open the bags that belong to African person, the bags are full of Voodoo things from Africa.
If he was from Africa, it was probably a bunch of religious items from whatever native religion he practiced. Those are usually grouped together as "African animism" - animism means a religion that believes material objects have a "spirit" or some kind of consciousness that can be communicated with, and employed for good or evil purposes. Our Native American medicine religions are based on a similar idea, though of course very different in detail. I imagine the religious regalia of an African animist would look quite weird to a Muslim in Dubai.
Voodoo, or more exactly "Voudon", is a religion which developed in Haiti, that mixed together Catholicism with aspects of the former slaves' African religion. Notably, they identify certain saints with certain of their traditional "loa" (gods or nature spirits), and if you pray to, say, St. Peter the Apostle, you're praying to Legba, the loa of wisdom and communication. They believe in a supreme creator God, Bondye (from French Bon Dieu, the Good God), but the loa are the ones you get the goodies from, and Bondye is more like the founder and CEO of the Universe, who you don't usually have to deal with.
Voodoo is specific to Haiti, but other parts of the Caribbean and some parts of coastal South America have their own version that vary in detail: Macumba in Brazil, Vudú in Dominica, Santería in Cuba and Puerto Rico, Kumfu in Jamaica, etc. With so many Puerto Ricans in my local area, Santería is well-known and widely practiced, even among people who regard themselves as good Catholics.
Voodoo is also what we call the African-based magical practices centered on New Orleans, and there is a derivative folk-magic practice called "hoodoo", which is actually quite popular these days among white folks on one end of the New Age movement. We often used the words "voodoo" and "hoodoo" for superstitions that we don't approve of. Superstitions we do approve of are usually called "Christianity".
What??? Hillary Clinton eats babies , no wonder she looks so young
That's all part of that Q-Anon nonsense that believes Trump to be God's chosen warrior, fighting against a secret establishment of Democrats, corporate bigwigs, and celebrities, who engage in sex trafficking and sexual abuse of children, as well as cannibalism. And yes, Hillary Clinton is high on their list of evildoers. This is really just the same nutjob ideas from the Nineties that made the same claims about Bill Clinton and the two George Bushes, as well as any other powerful or rich person. Back then we thought it was all a bunch of harmless loonies like the UFO cultists or Church of Satan followers; but in the last couple of years, Q-Anon supporters have acted out their fantasies in violent ways. In the worst of these events, they were the instigators of the attack on the Capitol Building to overthrow the government and install Trump as.... I'm not sure what - Führer, King, or President For Life. Since their coup d'état failed, they have lost followers, but they're still plenty dangerous.
I made a Fake News post back when Trump started complaining about the witch hunt against him, that he and Hillary Clinton really were witches, and that the Democrats and Republicans were secretly doing magical workings together, in order to fight against the REAL evildoers: the Libertarians. Unfortunately that one was done so long ago that it's not available on the thread anymore.
@RusA #9858835
Oh...there was on cable tv about big Asian airports, when in Dubai aiport, the airport staff open the bags that belong to African person, the bags are full of Voodoo things from Africa.
If he was from Africa, it was probably a bunch of religious items from whatever native religion he practiced. Those are usually grouped together as "African animism" - animism means a religion that believes material objects have a "spirit" or some kind of consciousness that can be communicated with, and employed for good or evil purposes. Our Native American medicine religions are based on a similar idea, though of course very different in detail. I imagine the religious regalia of an African animist would look quite weird to a Muslim in Dubai.
Voodoo, or more exactly "Voudon", is a religion which developed in Haiti, that mixed together Catholicism with aspects of the former slaves' African religion. Notably, they identify certain saints with certain of their traditional "loa" (gods or nature spirits), and if you pray to, say, St. Peter the Apostle, you're praying to Legba, the loa of wisdom and communication.
Voodoo is specific to Haiti, but other parts of the Caribbean and some parts of coastal South America have their own version that vary in detail: Macumba in Brazil, Vudú in Dominica, Santería in Cuba and Puerto Rico, Kumfu in Jamaica, etc. With so many Puerto Ricans in my local area, Santería is well-known and widely practiced, even among people who regard themselves as good Catholics.
Voodoo is also what we call the African-based magical practices centered on New Orleans, and there is a derivative folk-magic practice called "hoodoo", which is actually quite popular these days among white folks on one end of the New Age movement. We often used the words "voodoo" and "hoodoo" for superstitions that we don't approve of. Superstitions we do approve of are usually called "Christianity".
What??? Hillary Clinton eats babies
That's all part of that Q-Anon nonsense that believes Trump to be God's chosen warrior, fighting against a secret establishment of Democrats, corporate bigwigs, and celebrities, who engage in sex trafficking and sexual abuse of children, as well as cannibalism. And yes, Hillary Clinton is high on their list of evildoers. This is really just the same nutjob ideas from the Nineties that made the same claims about Bill Clinton and the two George Bushes, as well as any other powerful or rich person. Back then we thought it was all a bunch of harmless loonies like the UFO cultists or Church of Satan followers; but in the last couple of years, Q-Anon supporters have acted out their fantasies in violent ways. In the worst of these events, they were the instigators of the attack on the Capitol Building to overthrow the government and install Trump as.... I'm not sure what - Führer, King, or President For Life. Since their coup d'état failed, they have lost followers, but they're still plenty dangerous.
I made a Fake News post back when Trump started complaining about the witch hunt against him, that he and Hillary Clinton really were witches, and that the Democrats and Republicans were secretly doing magical workings together, in order to fight against the REAL evildoers: the Libertarians.