@RusA #9858933 I've never had my palm read, but I used to go to New Age festivals all the time, mostly for the artwork and to meet people who are more eccentric than I am. Those festivals have a lot of psychic readers, and I'd get a readings from time to time. Most of them were obviously cold reading, as I mentioned above. Their trick is to ask you questions and base their reading on your answers, then to give broad statements that can apply to anyone ("You recently met a person who did something important for you"), and tailor the next part of the reading on your responses. I mostly went to Tarot readers, because I know something about how that sort of thing works, so I knew when the reader was actually going by what the cards said, and when she was doing a cold reading with the cards as props to beguile the client. In the first case, I would pay attention to what she said, but in the second case I would amuse myself by giving phony answers to her questions just to see how far up her own a~~ I could get her to stick her head. Of the genuine readers, I would say they had a pretty good score, though I can't say any of them changed my life in any significant way.
@RusA #9858933 I've never had my palm read, but I used to go to New Age festivals all the time, mostly for the artwork and to meet people who are more eccentric than I am.