@RusA #9858999 I'm sorry still bothering u this weekend, coz i'm still curious about this.
I don't mind answering questions if I can, but some of the things you ask me, like how 9/11 happened and how we got into the Iraq War, are subjects that experts have written a ton of books about; so I have a bit of difficulty trying to work out a relatively short explanation I can post here. This is actually good writing practice for me, though, so I'm happy that you're giving me the opportunity. Besides, when else would I have a chance to share what has become my favorite Boondocks cartoon?
America is so smart, what i read is at that time they weren't planning about cheap oil price in recent year, "oil" is non renewable resources, it means that if they empty the oil location in one place, there won't be any oil anymore. USA is rich with oil too in Alaska, and Texas. But USA want to keep the oil for far future.
That's an interesting theory, but it doesn't quite work. America has used up most of its formerly large oil deposits, and lately has been having to try to tap the more difficult ones that lie off shore, in the Alaskan Arctic, and trapped in oil shale. There has been a movement for some time now to reduce what the media call our dependency on foreign oil, and become "energy independent", but at present we still import from other countries more than half of the oil we use because we can't produce enough domestically.
So it's not a matter of hoarding our own supplies until the rest of the world runs out - it's a matter of what we're going to do when everybody uses up their oil deposits, and we all run out. As you say, oil a non-renewable resource, and when it's gone, it's gone. There is quite a lot on the internet about "peak oil", meaning the point when abundant oil deposits around the world start running out, and we get less and less oil out of the ground every year. Nobody's quite sure if we've already reached peak oil, or if we reached it some time ago and are in a decline now; but so long as I can still get gasoline at the filling station to drive my car around when I need to, I'm not thinking too much about it.
One of the nutty ideas you find among pro-business right-wingers who can't stand the idea of having to reduce economic activity to save oil, is that oil is not really a non-renewable resource formed from biological life that lived millions of years ago. Instead, they say that oil is "abiotic" (from Greek meaning "non-living), that is, created in the Earth's mantle by chemical and geological processes that are constantly creating new deposits, and we just have to find them. Those people come up with lots of sciency formulas to show how this works, but so far nothing that, shall we say, would impress actual chemists or geologists. Another one is that we don't have to conserve the Earth's oil deposits, because by the time it runs out, we'll all be LIVING ON MARS!
For my self, i more believe that 9/11 was Osama bin Laden alone got his revenge, but his action was triggered by the USA too, that's why i assume it was about the "Oil"
It's certainly true that many of the problems we have in the Middle East are the result of the way we've treated those countries in the past. The main thing that set off Osama bin Laden was when Saudi Arabia allowed us to stage troops in the country in preparation for the invasion of Iraq. He considered the Arabian Peninsula to be holy ground, and the thought of us infidel dogs polluting the land with our ungodly presence made him start planning a way to get back at us.
We tend to be tone-deaf to the cultures and history of that region as well, and are always offending them in some ignorant way. A good example of this is how President G. W. Bush at first called the Iraq War "a Crusade". To him, this meant any campaign of good people against evil ones; but to Muslims, this means the historical Crusades of the late Middle Ages - not something they look back on with much fondness! Someone told Bush to knock it off, but the damage had been done, and al-Qaida and other radical groups began calling European and American soldiers "Crusaders".
@RusA #9858999
I'm sorry still bothering u this weekend, coz i'm still curious about this.
I don't mind answering questions if I can, but some of the things you ask me, like how 9/11 happened and how we got into the Iraq War, are subjects that experts have written a ton of books about; so I have a bit of difficulty trying to work out a relatively short explanation I can post here. This is actually good writing practice for me, though, so I'm happy that you're giving me the opportunity.
America is so smart, what i read is at that time they weren't planning about cheap oil price in recent year, "oil" is non renewable resources, it means that if they empty the oil location in one place, there won't be any oil anymore. USA is rich with oil too in Alaska, and Texas. But USA want to keep the oil for far future.
That's an interesting theory, but it doesn't quite work. America has used up most of its formerly large oil deposits, and lately has been having to try to tap the more difficult ones that lie off shore, in the Alaskan Arctic, and trapped in oil shale. There has been a movement for some time now to reduce what the media call our dependency on foreign oil, and become "energy independent", but at present we still import from other countries more than half of the oil we use because we can't produce enough domestically.
So it's not a matter of hoarding our own supplies until the rest of the world runs out - it's a matter of what we're going to do when everybody uses up their oil deposits, and we all run out. As you say, oil a non-renewable resource, and when it's gone, it's gone. There is quite a lot on the internet about "peak oil", meaning the point when abundant oil deposits around the world start running out, and we get less and less oil out of the ground every year. Nobody's quite sure if we've already reached peak oil, or if we reached it some time ago and are in a decline now; but so long as I can still get gasoline at the filling station to drive my car around when I need to, I'm not thinking too much about it.
One of the nutty ideas you find among pro-business right-wingers who can't stand the idea of having to reduce economic activity to save oil, is that oil is not really a non-renewable resource formed from biological life that lived millions of years ago. Instead, they say that oil is "abiotic" (from Greek meaning "non-living), that is, created in the Earth's mantle by chemical and geological processes that are constantly creating new deposits, and we just have to find them. Those people come up with lots of sciency formulas to show how this works, but so far nothing that, shall we say, would impress actual chemists or geologists.
For my self, i more believe that 9/11 was Osama bin Laden alone got his revenge, but his action was triggered by the USA too, that's why i assume it was about the "Oil"
It's certainly true that many of the problems we have in the Middle East are the result of the way we've treated those countries in the past. The main thing that set off Osama bin Laden was when Saudi Arabia allowed us to stage troops in the country in preparation for the invasion of Iraq. He considered the Arabian Peninsula to be holy ground, and the thought of us infidel dogs polluting the land with our ungodly presence made him start planning a way to get back at us.
We tend to be tone-deaf to the cultures and history of that region as well, and are always offending them in some ignorant way. A good example of this is how President G. W. Bush at first called the Iraq War "a Crusade". To him, this meant any campaign of good people against evil ones; but to Muslims, this means the historical Crusades of the late Middle Ages - not something they look back on with much fondness!