Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9860139:

Siblings group pile 24 7, 9:41pm

@neutralnationsgobrrr thank you I gave her a tiara and I put her hair in a ponytail cause I for some reason picture her wearing a ponytail, probably because it can get windy at sea so she'll want to keep her hair in a ponytail

yeah, I just made Sister Christinia hair shorter cause I thought it be funny if Brother Christinia had long hair and was mistaken for a "girl" while Sister Christinia had short hair and was mistaken for a "boy" (I like to imagine her hair is actually shorter than her dad's, I have a headcanon her hair is short cause her brother put gum in her hair as a prank)

I actually got the idea of making her hair short from @closetghostgal 's version of the sisters The SatW Kids Sister