Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Comments #9869870:

WW2 Poll 19 2, 5:08pm

During the war, it's pretty even between UK and USSR, I think - sure, the Soviets did most to grind up the Wehrmacht, but the British were definitely fighting smarter (and way luckier) - guess that happens when you don't have lots of ablative land and manpower.
After the war, though, the US did a lot of the work (well, the successful work, at least) of defeating NS support in the minds.

Then, of course, there's European integration - so I guess France and the Benelux countries share a bit in the credit - but on the other hand, France is largely responsible for the rise of Fascism especially in Germany, so I guess they're out - but Benelux get a supporting actors award.

And last but not least, Hitler and much of the Nazi leadership were raving idiots and the generals were idiots by association by letting them get away with this shit but again, I guess they're also responsible for the whole mess happening so no cigars there.