Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World

Community made Fact Card:

In Sweden, people with autism aren’t allowed to join the army, not even special forces
      made by Scanian

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6 years ago #9805088        

I'd be interested to know which militaries do allow this.

In the UK JSP 950 lists an autism diagnosis as an automatic disqualification, along with such bizarre things as double jointed knees.

6 years ago #9804552        

That's true. I have Autism and can confirm this. Autism makes you sensetive to loud noises, light, taste and toutch and also pressure. that's also why we're not allowed in the army. It sounds bad bud I Think (I'm not very educated in this subject but) it's… well, I can understand their Point. I don't Think we're forbidden to become officer, doctor or map writer. I Think it's just being a Soldier that's the problem. Some people with Autism also have problems with instructions, like me so I wouldn't fit to this job at all. Though, we're good at fochusing at one thing at a time and also good at noticing details. We don't see a Forest as a forest. We see individial trees. If we really like one subject, we can get really good at it thank's to our good concentration. Our concentration depends on the mood and what we're doing of course, tho.

My opinion is that we should be allowed in the army if we want to.
(i just wrote this in one go, so there might be a lot of bad English)

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6 years ago #9804487        

Why's that?

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