The Tornio/Haparanda course is the only two-nation golf course in the world, residing on the border of Finland and Sweden. Playing 18 holes means crossing the border 4 times.
The Swedish fairy looks cool, but sad at the same time. It looks like a fairy from books. This is what I try to create with the help of .. It saves me time and nerves. You can read it very soon, when my book will see the light of dayThe Swedish fairy looks cool, but sad at the same time. It looks like a fairy from books. This is what I try to create with the help of best research proposal writing services It saves me time and nerves. You can read it very soon, when my book will see the light of day
The fact that it says swedish fairy, I think is funny, cause according to swedish folklore fairies are described kinda like they're Sweden's versions of demons-
@FinnishColdblood the funny part is Sweden is actually dressed up as Glinda the Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz, not a fairy
I wanted to look up a clip of Wizard of Oz the 1930s movie dub in Swedish and I ended up finding a Swedish animated tv show about the Wizard of Oz
I mean wtf I knew there were animated versions but I never knew there was Swedish made one
@AmericanButterfly Huh, I actually didn't know there was a animated one, I'm not that much of a Wizard of Oz fan so I have like zero knowledge about it, (I'm not sure if that's an excuse) but I am a fan of your FennoSwede headcanon U^U
@FinnishColdblood eh it's an old series it was book series that had tons a sequels but only the first two were really made into movies by different studios decades apart