In mexico and parts of the u.s., it's hot all the time. Canada can get super low temperatures and TONS of snow! (I like to think that america at least understands spanish, since there are so many spanish speakers in the u.s.)
Several countries have in the past banned ruling queens, but lacked any requirement that the king be male. This led to King Anna of Poland, and King Mary of Hungary.
Spanish is actually a required language in some schools now. It was an elective when I was in school, but my kids have been taking spanish classes since 3rd grade. They speak it as well as English. And certainly better than I speak it. Part of what makes it so effective is that once the kids reach junior high, spanish class is never taught in English with translations again. You simply learn more grammar, spelling, and pronunciation stuff, just like you would with all the English classes you're forced to also take. Essays in spanish are also common, usually about a topic involving the language or history.
Mmmmm I think America would be a bit more neutral on the temperature, because a lot of the states are actually father north than parts of Canada, less than half is desert or tropical, the rest is relatively chilly. Just my opinion as a Minnesotan, still cute ^-^
@TrashCANNOT Yay! Another Minnesotan! We are more towards Canada in Weather, I agree. We might as well be Canadian. We have the accent, the personality, the temperature. Plus, Canada has free healthcare!