@Suominoita Well seeing as some polls says that college students, 20%, consider it sexual assault/abuse to ask someone on date, it is all around world...
"Asking ssomeone on date before knowing them is wrong" is idiotic but widely believed. Try telling those idiots that you ask for 1 on 1 meeting aka date to know know someone and decide if you want second and they they will start to froth at you and scream various bs...
@FluffyRose I guess we can add Lithuania in there because they used to be in a union with Poland, and Estonia and Latvia too, cause why not oh and Hungary cause apparently they're friends with Poland, oh Netherlands cause Japan has a long history with them oh, and Canada cause of WW2 oh and Greenland cause they're neighbors and Iceland cause they're pals and Faroes Islands, and Mexico and Brazil for some reason etc
I can relate with Norway. Although the women who are always hitting on me range somewhere 35-60 years age range while I am 28 currently so clearly younger, and I run away if that is where they try to take it.
Judging by the fact that the site doesn't automatically update your age each year, I'm gonna go ahead and assume he made his account 3 years ago.
Stamp collection? Ya'll propositioning people by asking them if they want to see your stamp collection?!!! That has to be THE most unsexy sentence in existence.
I prefer to Hulu and Woohoo or Prime and Sexytime. Netflix isn't as great as everyone says. I have like five streaming services, and Paramount is my favorite. Can't think of anything sexy for Paramount, though. It has "mount" in the name, so that's good enough I guess.