so um history, the Dutch had a colony called New Netherlands and capital was well New Amsterdam, and I wanted my OC Northeast US region to be the adult version of New Netherlands and I wanted the Netherlands to be his dad, cause I thought it be funny if laid back goofy Netherland had a super-serious son while super serious England had a goofy son
Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it I can't say
People just liked it better that way
well they changed it cause the English took over and the colonies didn't want their colony to be set on fire
and I am very sorry if my Dutch isn't good, I used Google Translate and yes I know it not very good but I wanted New Netherlands/Northeast to speak Dutch
and New Netherlands is wearing the old Orange, White and Blue Dutch flag
MALAYSIA has one of the most unique monarchy systems in the world, with 9 kings. Malaysia's unique rotational monarchy among nine hereditary state rulers, the new king,will hold office for five years.
@Zeust I will be honest I misread "cutely" as "cruelty"
the best part is this pissed the Dutch off, and they got into a war with England and came back a year later to occupied New Amsterdam, but then decide to trade their New Netherland colony for nutmeg
(as Humon said, "All the children in SatW are completely fucked." )
I like to image Netherlands and Northeast now have a pretty good relationship, but I like to imagine Northeast changed his name out of spite
fun fact if you look at the New Netherlands flag shirt you can see he is wearing the old Prince's Flag, that uses orange instead of red
@Zeust I made another comic with Northeast speaking Dutch, Interrupting Phone Call Northeast is speaking to Netherlands on the phone, the comic takes place during 1917 (so the phone not accurate) I also wanted to do a comic where Brother America mistakes one language for another one
I used Google Translate cause I don't know Dutch and I tried to make sure the English matched the Dutch (I honestly had change or leave out some words just so the English and Dutch will match)
@Zeust It did get a few things wrong I had to change some of English words to match the Dutch so it wasn't 100% what I originally wanted to say, originally I wanted Northeast to say "German this and German that" but it didn't directly translate into Dutch so I had to change it around, I say it maybe 80ish percent right not 100%
I like to imagine Netherland is actually kind of freaking out on the other side of the phone XD