Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
After the Storm

Fan Art

After the Storm

I got the idea to make a comic about foreign aid to the US from other countries when I read on Wikipedia that the United States asked the European Union for supplies, and other countries helped too, Mexico and Canada were a big help. originally I wasn't planning on adding them in the comic but I wanted them there cause I thought it wouldn't be fair to forget them plus I read a quote by Frank McKenna, Canadian ambassador to the United States, told Americans "you are our friends and together we are family – you do not suffer alone."
and I thought that was so sweet I just had to add it

Canada is helping to rescue Americans and Mexico is helping clean up fallen debris

here are the countries the helped us or at least offered to help us

also, I thought of Lean on Me when making this comic

By: AmericanButterfly 14th July 2020

Community made Fact Cards:

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North Korea owes Sweden €300m for 1,000 stolen Volvos and every 6 months Sweden sends them reminders.

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Icelandic place names may sound exotic, but they're usually not very creative. Example: The most powerful waterfall in Europe, Dettifoss, just means "falling falls"


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4 years ago #9860516        

Adorable! The little American citizens in Canada's arms are cute little red/white/blue balls.

5 years ago #9841199        

I forgot Canada's mustache and now he looks like a hippy from the sixties

also if humon gave Canada a full beard he would look like Bob Ross


5 years ago #9834737        

In fact, when you go to the Wikipedia page about it (I used the link you provided) they have an entirely seperate page about the foreign aid provided by the Canadians. I also find it nice that even many third world nations (Djibouti, Ecuador, Afghanistan, Guatemala, and many others) offered us foreign aid. Heck, even China and Cuba, two of America's most despised enemies, (though our relations with Cuba have improved slightly now Raul is in charge, as he is slightly less, ah, anti American, for lack of a better term.) offered us human aid. Thanks dude, if it wasn't for this comic I wouldn't have looked any of this up, and now my faith in humanity is (slightly) restored.

5 years ago #9834736        

It gets more wholesome when you add in the fact that hurricane Katrina also affected parts of Canada, with heavy raining in much of eastern Canada and severe flooding in southern Quebec. Granted, outside of the flooding in Quebec, none of it was too severe, but it's still nice that the Canadians still offered us foreign aid while they themselves were affected by the hurricane. Canadians, you gotta love them.

5 years ago #9834734        

darn it, I meant to write "Brussels" but I forgot to see if I spelled it right :awkward:

Brussels is de facto capital of the EU, I dunno I thought it be funny if King Europe said "oh my Brussels"

also, I really love having Sister America nickname King Europe "Kingy"

I meant to say "in" getting help not "and"

4 years ago #9857815        

I don't understand why everyone in any kind of power is so stupid. I get that not everyone is like that, but even my old principal/(s) were incompetent! I remember in 7th grade one of the math teachers for 8th-grade math left, so they replaced her with a literature teacher that only knew up to 4th-grade math! And it's not like that's the only option, even using the limited knowledge we had everyone grouped up at recess and came up with at least 3 better scenarios!

4 years ago #9849819        

I don't know why people move to high-risk places like florida. For the weather I guess? Northern inland US has very little natural disaisters. I've lived here my whole life and we've had ONE tornado, very fast winds (trees fall but usually nothing worse. Sometimes a power line.), and a flood (one inch maybe in the valleys. I live on a hill. LOTS of hills in my county. LOTS!)

4 years ago #9848684        


5 years ago #9839820        

ok fun fact originally I was thinking of making an extra panel between Sis America asking for help and King Europe trying to give aid to America, of King Europe trying not to laugh at Sister America but failing when she went away cause he thought she looked funny with her hair all messed up full of twigs, but I decide not to add it cause I think King Europe is a gentleman who would never laugh at a lady in need
plus I thought it would make him look like a total dick

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