I wanted to make NASA as a SatW character espeally finding out they have a flag https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-a03c0/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/7184/15275/National_Aeronautics_and_Space_Administration_NASA_flag__49826.1571072732.jpg?c=2
anyway here is NASA holding one of his rockets, I put him in a cartoony space suit
he actually been to space and honestly pefers living in orbit than on earth
Rocket Man by Elton John https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtVBCG6ThDk
NASA is cute. Poor guy is getting violated by Jeff Bezos a lot lately, though. His space sister/brother/sibling needs to kick Jeff's ass. Cosmonaut could do it.
@miryasan85 NASA does have Sister NASA but "cosmonsut"aka Roscosmos isn't realated to them
(And Sister NASA and Brother Roscosomos are a couple so ehhhh)
'@AmericanButterfly' NASA is like a guy in my class, but I am STILL better then him on space but I isn't a space geek.
You writed about NASA in my topic "Oc's and other characters that haven't been in a comic". He is like you described. :D
Was thinking how old NASA is in biological sense and I like the idea he aged like normal person until he reached a certain time and that was the last time man step foot on the moon in 1972 and his birth date is 1958 so he biological 14 years old
NASA is Sister America and Brother Germany's son who was conceived when they both got totally wasted at a New Years Eve party
(NASA's birthday is October 1st and January 1st is 9 months before October 1st)
NASA situation is the opposite of Scania were NASA and Germany know they are related but Brother America doesn't know they are related (mostly cause Sister America didn't bother to tell him)
instead of Scania and Denmark not knowing they are related but Brother Sweden knowing because Sister Sweden told him but not her kid and the father of her child
NASA is 14 biologically, I don't know I just picture SatW NASA as an awkward nerdy teenager who loves space
NASA is also the half-brother to my other Oc Molossia
@closetghostgal oh um if you ever do draw NASA he is 14 biologically I liked the idea he aged "normally" until last time man step foot on moon in December 1972
His birthday is October 1st 1958 the founding of NASA
That mean he biological 10 when first moon landing happened in July 1969
@AmericanButterfly ah, okay. I thought he was 19 at first, lol. I wanted to draw him with Scania, or possibly write a fanfiction between them (nothing romantic, just platonic)
I like to think he's pretty accident-prone mostly in his early years
he is not afraid of NG and they do not get along I like to imagine that NG honestly was not happy that some of his scientists ended up working for NASA especially with Jewish scientists which true that did happen here's a really good article about it Who got America to the moon an unlikely collaboration of Jews and Former Nazi Engineers
he's an inventor, this because NASA invented a lot of things in real life
did you NASA invented the taser? I found that out when I was looking up things NASA invented
he likes music
I like to imagine he has father's mind but his mother's heart
he stronger than he looks and will exercise on a regular basis he can also keep up and even sometimes win in a physical fight though he doesn't like to fight
So if NASA exists as a spirit (at least in your headcanon) do other government departments exist too? What about military? Damn, I already see Coast Guard getting picked on by the other branches........
@AmericanButterfly. If I had any artistic skill I would make my own fan comic series starring government organizations, starring the U.S. Coast Guard of course
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