bit of a crack pairing of Sister Finland x Estonia (if there was canon brother Estonia I might ship her with him but there isn't and I didn't want to make an oc or use someone else's oc so the ship wlw) anyway Åland and Sweden are giving Sister Finland and Estonia gentle towards each other while giving each other looking at each other like they're so proud or something I dunno I just had a fun time drawing their expressions, I like to imagine they're all at some big dance party and Sweden and Åland saw Sister Finland and Estonia standing by each other with no dance partners so they thought to make them dance partners
Sweden: *Whispers to Åland* We gotta leave this shit place and enjoy each other haaard!
Åland: *Whispers back to Sweden* Ohh yeah, I'm gonna love you so hard!
(When I see their naughty faces I thinks that they are horny and gotta make out after this meeting)