From the top left to the bottom right, Molossia, North Dumpling Island, L'Anse Saint Jean, Aerican Empire, Forvik, Wy, Atlantium, Pontinha, Sealand, and Snake Hill. They all had a Micronation call in their family, Molossia and Snake Hill aren't related to them. They were adopted by Sister America and Australia into this clusterfuck of a family.
The Tornio/Haparanda course is the only two-nation golf course in the world, residing on the border of Finland and Sweden. Playing 18 holes means crossing the border 4 times.
@Irene they making a digital copy in late December, I think digital copy will be cheaper cause they don't have to worry about paper and shipping, so I'm gonna wait until the digital copy comes out to buy it.
Want more of these babies^^