I made this back in May and posted it on my DA but I wanted to wait until December to post it here
I'm just as confused as Germany
Anyway I found out about the Christmas Pickle that I guess is a tradition in the US and people thought it came from Germany because the ornaments were made in Germany idk
here more info https://www.whychristmas.com/customs/christmaspickle.shtml
As an American, I'd never heard about this until earlier this year, and that was from a British guy on Youtube talking about this supposed 'American tradition'.
this is actually a thing in Germany, but only in a special part of it I know it from friends that live in Stuttgart. But here in Bavaria no one knows about it xD
@abbyfriend really? are you sure from my research a very small percent even know about it or do it
I wonder did it come from Germany or did they only started doing it cause they learn about it from Americans?
I'm curious about this whole pickle on a tree thing
@AmericanButterfly I've heard of hiding a tiny chocolate figure in the tree and the first one to find it gets to open the first present... (in berlin, but I don't know anyone from Berlin besides the people I heard it from)
@AmericanButterfly I did not see that reply, sorry. So there is this tale form the middle ages where St Nicolaus resurrected 3 dead boys that where swimming in a pickle barrel. The tradition I know from swabia/bavaria stems from that tale, to remind people of that tale.