Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
For the language geek

Fan Art

For the language geek

Someone I know and like very much is a massive language geek, so I used the SATW characters to show the languages he can speak or is learning. My only fear is that I missed a few. If the geek in question sees this, he knows who he is.
Also, the Netherlands says "Nou, het is maandag, maar ik heb al de hele dag het gevoel dat het dinsdag is" which means "Well, it's Monday, but I've been feeling like it's Tuesday all day long".

By: MehWhoCares 6th December 2020

Community made Fact Cards:

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Switzerland accidentally invaded Liechtenstein... More than once.

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There are three sheep per person in Australia. New Zealand has seven times as many sheep as people. Both pale in comparison to the Falkland Islands' amazing 167 sheep per person!


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