Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
New Sweden

Fan Art

New Sweden

New Sweden daughter of Sister Sweden and Finland
used to be New Sweden a Swedish colony in colonial America, after her colony fell and was absorbed by the Dutch into New Netherlands, New Sweden's spirit still stook around but she became more of a nomad, though she does spend a lot of her time in Delaware, she is beautiful as her mother and tough as her father. she really doesn't hold any grudges but she will shank a bitch who tries to mess with her

By: AmericanButterfly 8th December 2020

Community made Fact Cards:

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MALAYSIA has one of the most unique monarchy systems in the world, with 9 kings. Malaysia's unique rotational monarchy among nine hereditary state rulers, the new king,will hold office for five years.

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Sweden has an official Twitter account (@sweden) which is handed to a different citizen every week.


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4 years ago #9850867        

Awwwwww she is adorable X3

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4 years ago #9850865        


Finland: let me see what you have
New Sweden: A KNIFE!
Finland: That's my girl!
(bro) Sweden: Oh my god, why does she have a knife!?

2 years ago #9878135        

What is the nationality of Sister Sweden?

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4 years ago #9851260        

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4 years ago #9850921        


4 years ago #9850864        

originally I was gonna have New Sweden die but I loved her design so much I didn't want to kill that cute Swedish-Finnish-American baby, so I thought New Sweden will be like North, NG, and my oc CSA that even though they don't have any land directly belong to them they stook around

I wanted her hairstyle to be like Sister Sweden only slightly longer and her hair color to be like Finland's

though New Sweden is very independent especially after losing her colony, I like to imagine Finland kind of dotes on her

and no she is not/did not become Deleware

I was thinking of making New Sweden have flap hat like Finland but I decided I wanted her hair to be showing and I thought a bow will be cute and I was thinking of making it the color as Finland's hat but I thought a bow that is Finnish flag will be cuter so I did that

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