Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Sis. NZ

Fan Art

Sis. NZ

My curiosity got me too far, and i created this: human New Zealand (but I don't know how her brother would look like, lol)
Idk much about her but:
- she's smart
- just like Canada comfort people often (they actually have a lot in common)
- sis. Australia is way too much into extreme sports and bcs of that sis. America prefers to hang out rather with sis. NZ
You can add more;)

By: Irene 15th December 2020

Community made Fact Cards:

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Australia DOES have a Royal Family. Despite being an soverign nation, the Royal family of Australia are the King and Queen of England.

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The band Abba wore ridiculous outfits to avoid Sweden's taxes, which allowed deductions for clothing if it wasn't meant to be used every day.


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