Scotland: Hey England why do ye get to represent the whole UK?
England: Because Humon never made an official UK character and perhaps because England's capital London is also the capital of the UK
Scotland: Well that's true due to international relations it would have made sense to have England and the UK being separate characters
after all, it is called the United Kingdom, not England and Company and I really do not want to be represented by England since Scotland played a vital role in establishing the U.K after my king James VI became the king of both our nations after your Queen Elizabeth I died childless
England: yes but we still remain separate nations only ruled over by a single monarchy it wasn't until 1707 when we officially became a united nation under Queen Anne the granddaughter of King James I
Scotland: ye and then she died childless too and even though I still had Stuarts to take her place you refuse to let James II and VII become king
England: only because he was catholic and I exile him
Scotland: and then you went and begged Hanover for royalty without even consulting me
England: as if I needed your input on who becomes the king of England
Scotland: It's not just your king anymore they will also rule over all the whole the United Kingdom including me and the fact you didn't even let me vote on the new monarchy was a really shite move
England: Because Humon never made an official UK character and perhaps because England's capital London is also the capital of the UK
Scotland: Well that's true due to international relations it would have made sense to have England and the UK being separate characters
after all, it is called the United Kingdom, not England and Company and I really do not want to be represented by England since Scotland played a vital role in establishing the U.K after my king James VI became the king of both our nations after your Queen Elizabeth I died childless
England: yes but we still remain separate nations only ruled over by a single monarchy it wasn't until 1707 when we officially became a united nation under Queen Anne the granddaughter of King James I
Scotland: ye and then she died childless too and even though I still had Stuarts to take her place you refuse to let James II and VII become king
England: only because he was catholic and I exile him
Scotland: and then you went and begged Hanover for royalty without even consulting me
England: as if I needed your input on who becomes the king of England
Scotland: It's not just your king anymore they will also rule over all the whole the United Kingdom including me and the fact you didn't even let me vote on the new monarchy was a really shite move
England: You don't vote on a monarchy
Scotland: Well you should