Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Hard Choice

Fan Art

Hard Choice

England trying to choose what to wear.

By: HeckHelloHiLol 20th May 2021

Community made Fact Cards:

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There are around 2.2 million saunas in Finland, 1 for every 2.5 people.

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Over 90% of all gunpowder fired by the Americans during the American Revolution was supplied by France.


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4 years ago #9858266        

I only drew this because I have seen England wear the union jack shirt a few times in some of the comics he appears in (only a few) so I thought It would be funny if I draw England trying to choose what to wear.

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4 years ago #9858180        

Well the english flag aka Saint George flag is his flag and represents just England
And British flag aka Union Flag aka Union Jack ( I know it's only suppose called when on a ship but a lot of people call it a Union Jack also it's funnier to say) represents all of the U.K which was why Scotland and Ireland wasn't happy seeing him wear it honestly I wish Humon made a spreate character for the UK I imagine it like King Europe situation where UK or Britain is "boss" of the British countries and territories

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2 years ago #9875902        

Well England could wear either shirt, similarly Scotland, Wales and N Ireland can also wear the left one as it represents all of our nations.

It does point out a problem of English and British identity as the two are often merged in a way which isn't the case for the members of the union. For instance people talk of say Anglo-American relations, the Anglo-Japanese alliance, Anglo-German naval rivalry prior to WWI when strictly speaking the Anglo should be replaced by British. However your never going to get that sort of thing changed as its so deeply embedded in both national culture and many history sources, any more than your likely to get the correct regal number for kings named Edward in this country.


4 years ago #9858318        

ooo yesterday poggers

2 years ago #9876030        

Casual and Sport.

3 years ago #9873658        

Well, that left one is just so stylish.

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