Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
You're a villain

Fan Art

You're a villain

"We all pretend to be the heroes on the good side.."
"But what if we're the villains on the other~?"

A lazy ass drawing for a Spy AU I'm making. The guy on top is Switzerland and the one at the bottom is Sweden.

By: closetghostgal 31st May 2021

Community made Fact Cards:

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The Doomsday Seed Vault on Svalbard has over 21,500 cannabis seeds in it. That means that there are more seeds in there for weed than there are for aspargus, blueberry and raspberry, for example.

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17% of all Finns are lactose intolerant, but the country still drinks the most milk per capita in the world.


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