Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night skies are like shooting stars?

Fan Art

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night skies are like shooting stars?


I am sorry
I feel like certain people don't deserve human rights, and one of them is me.
Please don't bully me for this there is a reason why I chose them to be in this meme-

By: neutralnationsgobrrr 6th August 2021

Community made Fact Cards:

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In Australia they have a lottery called "Slikpik". Which is very funny for danes, because it literly spells, "Lick D*ck" in danish.

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Icelanders suffer from Small Nation Complex. Meaning they know they are the best Nation in the world.... Per capita of course!


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