Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Brief description of America

Fan Art

Brief description of America

no description given

By: Irene 24th October 2021

Community made Fact Cards:

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Australia has over 10,000 beaches. You could visit a new beach everyday for 29 years.

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Several countries have in the past banned ruling queens, but lacked any requirement that the king be male. This led to King Anna of Poland, and King Mary of Hungary.


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3 years ago #9863357        

I believe in some of these things but not all of them, not the "throw tantrum" part

"dislike when somebody gets more attention than him"

The truth is I think it's the opposite sure he like attention but he's fine when people leave him alone

"adores picking on Aland and Sweden"
honestly, I think it was just that one time and I think he was deflecting being WBC hates him (America) even more than Sweden

The truth is I think he forgot Aland even exists

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