Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
SatW Discord

Fan Art

SatW Discord

SatW Discord is doing a banner contest and this is my entry, I doubt I'll win but this was super fun to make and I wanted to share it here too

a banner for the contest, I doubt I'll win but this was fun to make, the background is the color of their crosses, Iceland is with his demons, Finland is staring at Sweden while holding his knife, Sweden has a tablet while side-eyeing Denmark who is freaking out that Beer Ghost is drinking his beer and Norway and looking at Denmark freaking out while knitting a fish scarf

By: AmericanButterfly 24th February 2022

Community made Fact Cards:

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Sweden has an official Twitter account (@sweden) which is handed to a different citizen every week.

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"lol" as word actually means "nonsense" in Welsh.


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3 months ago #9884169        

I love how Build Now GG allows me to practice my building and shooting skills reminiscent of popular games like Fortnite. The controls are smooth, and the gameplay is surprisingly intense for a browser game.

3 years ago #9871167        

The contest is over I got 3rd place out of 4 entries (if you're counting the votes) eh I really loved all the drawings Lilmer from Discord won congrats the banner looks amazing

3 years ago #9870381        

the banner contest has been expanded from March 1st to March 12th so more people can enter the contest, right now there are only two entries mine and Shie(Wine) which by the if you're on the SatW discord check her drawing out cause it is amazing
anyway I'm hoping the extra time will make people post more drawings

3 years ago #9870287        

I changed the title from SatW Nordic boys to SatW Discord, I didn't put "banner" in the title because the contest isn't over (I was first entry) and I thought "SatW Discord Banner entry" would be too long and age the picture, so I thought "SatW Discord" would be just fine being that it says "SatW Discord" on the actual drawing

also, Denmark has his beard now, I forgot that in the original post

if you guys are wondering why Finland's background is a different shade of blue than Norway it's because I color Finland's cross a lighter shade of blue than in the comics, plus I wanted the blues to stand out from each other

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