Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Map of Europe and the neighbourhood - All SatW characters so far

Fan Art

Map of Europe and the neighbourhood - All SatW characters so far

- There are some cases where only a single pose can be found for a character (like Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Portugal, because that character may have only appeared in one comic or from fanart).
- Have you noticed that some of them (like Cyprus, Slovenia and Serbia) that look the same? They are characters who have never appeared in past comics or fanart. I will release close-up pictures of them along with an introduction!

By: fantasticfox 24th February 2022

Community made Fact Cards:

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Wife-Carrying is a actual Finnish sport.

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There is a beer called "Fucking Hell" - Hell being the German term for light ale, and Fucking being a village in Austria.


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