Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Most common US Ancestry

Fan Art

Most common US Ancestry

Germany isn't their "actual grandfather" I just thought it would be funny/cute if German-American balls called him Grandfatherland/Opa. I don't know I like the idea of human balls calling their countries mothers/fathers/ (like in real life) but decedents from other countries call them grandmother/grandfather. even though they're not technically their parents or grandparents. or maybe I just wanted an excuse to use the word opa in a comic (Opa is german for grandpa)

By: AmericanButterfly 27th July 2022

Community made Fact Cards:

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MALAYSIA has one of the most unique monarchy systems in the world, with 9 kings. Malaysia's unique rotational monarchy among nine hereditary state rulers, the new king,will hold office for five years.

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The Royal Navy uses loud speakers blasting Britney spears music to scare off Somalian piraty


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2 years ago #9874626        

this was gonna be bigger with top 10 US ancestry but I'm tired so I just did number one
anyway here are the top 10 Top ten Ancestry US population

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