Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
The F Word

Fan Art

The F Word

I always wanted to do a comic about this, they may be speaking the same language but not every word means the same thing, example "fanny" in America is innocent while it is derogatory slang and consider rude in Britian, and if you can't tell I tried to color Ottawa golf cap like the Canadian flag. I used Bro England just so I could have him say he doesn't have a "fanny"

By: AmericanButterfly 16th August 2022

Community made Fact Cards:

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17% of all Finns are lactose intolerant, but the country still drinks the most milk per capita in the world.

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20% of the world’s CCTV is in Britain


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2 years ago #9875071        

that than? how did I not see that eh oh well

2 years ago #9875050        

so when I was thinking about the story behind this comic I originally wanted Scotland to be in the comic, he wouldn't have any line he would just be trying not to laugh his ass off and failing and in one version he was eating something and choked on it, but I decided to keep it simple and just reference Scotland instead

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