Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
satwember day 9: Park

Fan Art

satwember day 9: Park

Satwember day 9: Park originally they were gonna wear full puffy fancy dresses but it ended with them shirtless with just their flags as censor bar and puffy skirts and me making up a story they got drunk and took off their tops and went swing in a park at midnight on their way home, I don't know why I just thought it was funny. and Yes Sister Scotland has a unicorn tattoo

By: AmericanButterfly 9th September 2022

Community made Fact Cards:

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The band Abba wore ridiculous outfits to avoid Sweden's taxes, which allowed deductions for clothing if it wasn't meant to be used every day.

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The GDP of London is significantly larger than that of several European countries, including Belgium and Sweden


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