Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Satwember day 24: Coffee or Tea

Fan Art

Satwember day 24: Coffee or Tea

Satwember day 24: Coffee or Tea, Sis Sweden with big pink #1 Milf mug of coffee, I gave her stretchmarks to show she can still one hot mama even with stretchmarks and put pink dots on her feet to make them look like she painted her toenails. originally they were going to be red but I didn't want it to look like her feet were bleeding.

By: AmericanButterfly 24th September 2022

Community made Fact Cards:

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Australia DOES have a Royal Family. Despite being an soverign nation, the Royal family of Australia are the King and Queen of England.

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The smallest US state, Rhode Island (1,212 square miles), has a larger population than the largest US state, Alaska (663,300 square miles), with 1.055 million residents vs. 736,732.


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2 years ago #9877072        

who's the child?

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