Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Satwember day 29: Movies

Fan Art

Satwember day 29: Movies

Day 29 of Satwember: Movies, Portugal is bing-watching movies on Netflix all night long, in his pajamas I wanted him to look kind of like a has bin after losing his empire. I used google translate for Portuguese, the tv says "are you still watching" the remote says "yes" and Portugal is thinking "Sleep is for the weak" also his popcorn bowl is his old hat from this comic

By: AmericanButterfly 29th September 2022

Community made Fact Cards:

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A myth in Germany states that "German almost became official language of the USA". Actually there was a petition on having the laws written in German beside English, which was rejected by 1 vote.

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About 80% of Ukraine's general population speaks Russian due to the times that Russia invaded Ukraine.


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