Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Sisters FIFA Winners

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Sisters FIFA Winners

the countries that have the most wins in the FIFA Women's World Cup. being Sis America First, Sis Germany second, Sis Norway third, and sis Japan fourth, I didn't have Norway and japan have hands on their hips like Sis America and Sis Germany as I didn't think it would fit them all that much

By: AmericanButterfly 25th November 2022

Community made Fact Cards:

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It takes approximately 1400 meters of yarn to make a simple sweater and at least twice that to knit a "fancy" one. It also takes 4pounds of clean fleece to make the yarn.

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There is a beer called "Fucking Hell" - Hell being the German term for light ale, and Fucking being a village in Austria.


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2 years ago #9876503        

Well that is a surpeise Norway normally sucks at football

"a surprise to be sure but a welcome one"

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