Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Sweden has been a jerk

Fan Art

Sweden has been a jerk

I did it. I made, the Sweden rant about how much of a jerk he has been in the comics this isn't even all the bad things he has done in the comics, to be honest, I welcome the country of Sweden into NATO, the character Brother Sweden well I do love him but even characters you adore has their flaws. oh and Sweden wearing yellow face is a reference to this comic

By: AmericanButterfly 17th February 2023

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A myth in Germany states that "German almost became official language of the USA". Actually there was a petition on having the laws written in German beside English, which was rejected by 1 vote.

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From the 700s to the 1200s, Baghdad was an Intellectual Center unrivaled in the world. It's House of Wisdom studied mathematics, astronomy, medicine, alchemy and chemistry, zoology, and geography.


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2 months ago #9883923        

I believed that a neutral character, rather than drift hunters one he had personally offended in the past, was more appropriate, particularly with the Sweden/Türkiye/NATO situation.


2 years ago #9877262        

he may be a jerk, but he's still hot as fuck (for legal reasons this is a joke)

2 years ago #9877210        

so why did I have Türkiye of all characters rant at Sweden about how much of a jerk he's been in the comics besides someone he has actually wronged? well I honestly just needed an excuse to have a character do it and I felt having a neutral character instead of one he directly wronged in the past was more fitting and the whole Sweden/Türkiye/NATO debate was the perfect opportunity to do that.

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