Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Nordic Seven Deadly Sin

Fan Art

Nordic Seven Deadly Sin

The Nordics (plus two islands) as Seven Deadly Sins

Finland: Lust

yes I know Denmark fits this too but I wanted to give it to Finland)

Åland: Wrath

Norway: Greed

Iceland: Envy

Faroes Island: Sloth

Sweden: Pride

Denmark: Gluttony

By: AmericanButterfly 16th May 2023

Community made Fact Cards:

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The Tornio/Haparanda course is the only two-nation golf course in the world, residing on the border of Finland and Sweden. Playing 18 holes means crossing the border 4 times.

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The thistle is the emblem of Scotland as a barefoot viking raider cried out in pain as he stood on one, alerting the Scottish army encampment that the Norse army were sneaking up on.


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