Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Map i aded characters on to

Fan Art

Map i aded characters on to

I drew a map and then i got boerd and drew Scania and two basterd ocs on to it

Just about the sice of difrent landskap (swedish states) with Scania, Småland (the big one) and blekinge (the small one) :3

By: Maxemus 4th November 2024

Community made Fact Cards:

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Written by Icelandic composer Jón Leifs in 1964, the piece called Hekla, Op 52, requires four sets of rocks hit with hammers, steel plates, anvils, sirens, cannons and metal chains to play.

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Because humans have almost never gone there for 60 years, the Korean DMZ has become a refuge for several endangered species such as Siberian tigers and red crowned cranes.


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28 days ago #9883892        

Creative idea! Your map with your OCs is lovely—it brings the landscape to life! escape road You did a great job detailing Scania and its surroundings. I'm excited to see more of your drawings and learn about your characters! Continue great work!

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