Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
1st December!!

Fan Art

1st December!!

1st Dec is, well, great union day.
On 1918 all of the territories that make up romania today (Muntenia, Moldova, Transylvania, Dobrogea) united. Some romanians celebrate this day by either dressing up in national clothes (Ie) or hanging up the country's flag or both! Yayy!!!

By: Meyz 1st December 2024

Community made Fact Cards:

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There are three sheep per person in Australia. New Zealand has seven times as many sheep as people. Both pale in comparison to the Falkland Islands' amazing 167 sheep per person!

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The Doomsday Seed Vault on Svalbard has over 21,500 cannabis seeds in it. That means that there are more seeds in there for weed than there are for aspargus, blueberry and raspberry, for example.


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