I tried to make sure they fit the vocaloid personalities, I was planning to make them as the colors one but then my brain said “NO! DESSERTED! DON'T! THAT'S GOING TO BE ASS!” *..listens to my brain.*
Denmark as Hatsune Miku, because Miku is complaining in the MV and acting all fussy about it.
Norway as Kasane Teto, I don't know... Norway and Teto just... Fits the sillyness?
Sweden as Akita Neru, Sweden likes technology so.. *PHONE!* and he's probably gonna be serious and all quiet...
Heh, I can just picture Sweden hitting Denmark right on the head with the leek. /ref
MALAYSIA has one of the most unique monarchy systems in the world, with 9 kings. Malaysia's unique rotational monarchy among nine hereditary state rulers, the new king,will hold office for five years.
but anyway, cool art!!!