I tried to make sure they fit the vocaloid personalities, I was planning to make them as the colors one but then my brain said “NO! DESSERTED! DON'T! THAT'S GOING TO BE ASS!” *..listens to my brain.*
Denmark as Hatsune Miku, because Miku is complaining in the MV and acting all fussy about it.
Norway as Kasane Teto, I don't know... Norway and Teto just... Fits the sillyness?
Sweden as Akita Neru, Sweden likes technology so.. *PHONE!* and he's probably gonna be serious and all quiet...
Heh, I can just picture Sweden hitting Denmark right on the head with the leek. /ref
Written by Icelandic composer Jón Leifs in 1964, the piece called Hekla, Op 52, requires four sets of rocks hit with hammers, steel plates, anvils, sirens, cannons and metal chains to play.
but anyway, cool art!!!