Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World
Reichtangle but satw

Fan Art

Reichtangle but satw

Once upon a time, I hyperfixated on reichtangle from polandball. For some reason the polandball version was more eye-catching than the countryhuman one. No idea why.
Anyways despite the fact that I suck at art, I made a generic design for satw reichtangle, inspires by pretty much almost all the designs I can find lol

By: Reichtangle 14th December 2024

Community made Fact Cards:

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Icelandic place names may sound exotic, but they're usually not very creative. Example: The most powerful waterfall in Europe, Dettifoss, just means "falling falls"

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Sweden has an official Twitter account (@sweden) which is handed to a different citizen every week.


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