Scandinavia and the World
Scandinavia and the World


Sweden Democrats or Swedish Democrats (Swedish: Sverigedemokraterna, SD) is a political party in Sweden that was founded in 1988. Since 2005, the party is ruled by Jimmie Åkesson. In the 2010 general election the Sweden Democrats crossed for the first time the four per cent threshold necessary for parliamentary representation. This increase in popularity has been compared by international media to other similar anti-immigration movements in Europe. Because of this, Sverigedemokraterna appeared in Swedish Politics, forcing Sweden to play with it. The Sweden Democrats continued this success in the 2014 general election, polling 12.9% and winning 49 seats in the Riksdag, a 14% share of the seats With a vote share of 22.16% in the constituency of Scania County North & East, Sweden Democrats out-polled one of the two major parties for the first time in one of the 29 constituencies where parliamentary seats are distributed. As a result, Sverigedemokraterna appeared in The monster lurks in the dark. Sverigedemokraterna is a flower (blåsippa)

Last edited: 9 years ago | By: VanessaLeskinen